“Shed the lambs clothing and release the tiger within.”

Designed For Mature Men Only
To help those that have hit a mid-life crisis and reorient them towards self-actualization and success.
Many of our brothers come to the realization that their whole life was spent honorably serving their families just to wake one day and realize they have neglected their spirit, body, and manhood. They were programmed to think self-sacrifice was an imperative for the good of their family. Unfortunately many hit a wall early in life, lost their drive, lost their interest in sex, neglected their health, lost their ambition and lost their dreams of an adventurous and self-fulfilling life. Nobody benefits from a minimalist man, father, husband, and citizen that only gives less than his potential.
We are prepared to run a “recapture and recovery” mission to help men reverse the proverbial clock – and yes it can be done – to allow you to do the things that are becoming distant dreams. Our objective is to see men become whole again, to feel good about themselves, to look and be fit, to act and be mentally fit, to be competent as well as poised in health, to be virile and confident in bed as much as out of bed. We want you to experience the life that we live, and sought after by most.
We want you to be part of a brotherhood that loves and respects women, children, and all living things; yet has cultivated the temperament to become savage enough to dispatch evil as fast as it appears. We want you to have self assurance in everything you do in life. We want you to be the Alpha + Male that leads from the front, protects the weak and sets the example for others to follow. This is your time. You have one shot at this life.
So, Carpe Diem – Seize the Day, and LIVE! We want to make you a leader and legend with a legacy of greatness. Contact us now and make the best decision for the rest of your life.
Tier 1 Performance Coaching is a RESULTS oriented company.
We pride ourselves in the ability to empower our
clients to make dynamic, rewarding and positive changes in their lives through our proprietary and proven
methodology: Special Operations Forces- Psychosoma Training™.
Our program yields results immediately; because we leverage a blend of science, philosophy, physiology, and
warrior ethos to lead you to your life objectives.
• Do you want to perform better at work? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
• Do you want to get back into top shape? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
• Do you want to be a pro athlete? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
• Do you want to increase your confidence? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
• Do you want to be a better leader at your job? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
• Do you want to start your own business? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
• Do you want to reacquire your power and be all you can be? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
There is nothing you can’t accomplish if you have the proper mental constructs to accomplish those goals. Far too
many men fall short of living a fulfilling and productive life, far beyond what they thought was possible. Mediocracy is
for cowards. Let us show you how to live life to the fullest!
Client Reviews
“The thought of hiring a performance coach had been on my mind for a long time. I was talked out of it by friends telling me it would be a waste of time and money. Not only was it the best investment I have ever made, I now hold the key to my happiness and health. Thanks guys!”
Robert T.
“These are world class warrior’s that have created a program that taught me about who I am, and gave me a clear road map on how to make myself a better man for my wife and my kids. I never really knew what it felt like to be a real man. Thanks to Joe and Dale…that has changed.”
Craig M.
“There isn’t a thing about top performance that these two guys don’t know. Their accomplishments are staggering and inspired me to take the leap of faith to be a better man. All of us can improve in one way or another. I was lacking in many areas, and not quite sure if I was able to be helped. I am happy to say I was wrong.”
Phil W.
“First and foremost, thank you guys for your selfless devotion to the service of our great nation. It was indeed an honor to be coached by the both of you. What a gift you have given me. The proverbial light bulb went off about half way through our coaching sessions. It’s amazing to me how you were able to convey your experiences to me in a manner that I was able to relate them to my life. Job well done gentlemen.”
Steve R.
“I would have never thought in a million years that I would be afforded the opportunity to train with such men. They are truly in a league of their own. I searched for months looking for a coach to get my game back. There wasn’t even anyone close to their accomplishments and experience. What shocked me even more was how humble these guys were. God speed guy’s, and thank you for everything.”
James D.